
ماژول آمار بازدید

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من از چند تا از ماژولهای آمار بازدید معروف مانند Joomi_Site_Visitors_j2.5_1.7_1.6 و mod_jvcounter استفاده کردم ام ولی متاسفانه همه آنها در زمان نمایش پیغام خطا میدهند و بعد آمار را نشان میدهند

ایا مازول بهتری سراغ دارید؟

پیغام های خطا هم به شرح زیر هستند:

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getVisits() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\mod_jvcounter.php on line 19

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getOptions() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 58

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 118

Strict Standards: mktime() [function.mktime]: You should be using the time() function instead in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 122

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getTimeStart() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 59

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getNameOfDay() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 137

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getPositionOfDay() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 138

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDaysofMonth() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 143

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 72

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getTotalImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\mod_jvcounter.php on line 20

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getArrayNumber() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 20

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDigitImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 25

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDigitImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 25

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDigitImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 25

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDigitImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 25

Strict Standards: Non-static method modJVCounterHelper::getDigitImage() should not be called statically in D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\Temp\modules\mod_jvcounter\helper.php on line 25

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