
Easy Folder Listing (فارسی)

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از جوملا 1.5 تا 2.5 را ساپورت می کند:thanks:

PHP 5.2+

New Features in version 2.0:

New options for handling utf-8 characters

Included Language files to handle multi-languages

Single installation for ALL supported Joomla versions

Improve Date sorting

Sort Filenames by Natural Order

Media files are now kept in media folder instead of modules folder

Changed Color picker to MooRainbow

Translations Included: GB English, US English, Spanish


This is a simple-to-use module that is used to list the contents of a folder in either a table or a list. The folder listing can display the filename, with or without the extension, with or without the date modified and file size, as well as a icon representing the file type. It has the feature of allowing the user to specify whether the filename listed should be linked or not.

Main features:

List files in a specified sub-folder of the Joomla root directory.

Show icons for file types

List files in either a table or a unordered list

Sorting in Acsending or Descening order, by filename, date modified or file size

Option to show/hide size, date, or date and time of the files

Option to link to the files or not

Option to specify a list of file types that should not be listed

Color scheme of the table rows and border can be customized

Module Manager colors available through custom Color Picker

ویرایش شده در توسط shamimi

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