
ارسال ایمیل خودکار

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من یه سایت دارم روی سی پنل الان هی بسته می شه وقتی پیگیر شدم ببینم مشکل از کجاست گفتن اررور فایروال رو می فرستیم که خوندم می گه خیلی ایمیل فرستادید

چیکارش کنم درست شه؟؟؟

We have noticed some issues with the hosting account you have with us here at Arvixe. The notes below outline our findings and the changes we've made to correct the situation.

We have received an alert that your account is being used to send large amounts of email. This could be bulk mailing you have sent from your account, or spam and/or phishing emails from an exploited web script. Bulk emailing is not permitted on accounts of this type. The sending of spam is not only illegal from any location within the United States, but also has the potential to get the mail server blacklisted and in extreme cases entirely disconnected. With the possibility of such problems we must take drastic and immediate action to stop this activity.

The most common cause of bulk emails being unknowingly sent from your account are due to outdated version of a web script being actively ran. It is the responsibility of Arvixe to maintain our server security, but account security is the responsibility of the account owner. For more information, please see

Technical details we have relating to this spam incident are as follows:

Time: Tue Sep 10 01:27:00 2013 -0700

Path: '/home/asdfpoa/public_html'

Count: 1201 emails sent

Sample of the first 10 emails:

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