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سلام دوستان من یه کامپونتی joomdle می خواستم نصب کنم 3 تا ایراد گرفت به مدیر سرورم گفتم گفت خودت می تونی اینا رو از طریق سی پنل درست کنی

ایشون که آموزشی ندادن باز عین راهنماییشو می زارم اینجا کسی بلد بود یه توضیحی بده که چیکار کنم

1 و2

Joomla to Moodle HTTP connectivity

This indicated wheter Joomla can connect to the Moodle connection test script.

It is useful for debugging when Joomdle web services check is failing.

If Joomdle web services check is OK, you can ignore the result of this check. Sometimes it will fail due to security measures in place.


Moodle to Joomla HTTP connectivity

This indicated wheter Moodle can connect to the Joomla connection test script.

It is useful for debugging when Joomdle web services check is failing.

If Joomdle web services check is OK, you can ignore the result of this check. Sometimes it will fail due to security measures in place.


Joomdle Web Services

It seems the Joomdle auth plugin is not enabled in Moodle

You must enable the Joomdle auth plugin in Moodle Admin->Users->Authentication->Manage Authentication.

Moodle networking is not enabled

You must enable Moodle Networking in Moodle Admin->Networking->Settings

You need to add your site IP to Moodle XML-RPC trusted hosts list

You must add your site IP to the Moodle trusted XML-RPC hosts list, in Moodle Admin->Networking->XML-RPC Hosts

Something is wrong with Joomdle Web Services setup

Something went wrong setting up Joomdle web services in Moodle. Try visiting Notifications page in Moodle Admin->Notifications.

If you get database errors with duplicate keys, try starting over by removing the offending rows/table. Execute these queries in your Moodle database:

delete from mdl_config_plugins where plugin like '%joomdle%';

delete from mdl_mnet_host2service where hostid=0 and serviceid=4;

drop table mdl_joomdle_dummytable

An then, visit Notifications page again.

Moodle Network authentication is not enabled in Moodle

You must enable the Moodle Network auth plugin in Moodle Admin->Users->Authentication->Manage Authentication.

Joomla URL is not configured in Joomdle auth plugin in Moodle

You need to enter Joomla URL in Joomdle auth plugin configuration, in Moodle Admin->Users->Authentication->Joomdle

Joomla URL seems to be misconfigured in Joomdle auth plugin in Moodle

Re-check your Joomla URL in Joomdle auth plugin configuration, in Joomdle auth plugin in Moodle.

Make sure you include http://

Check Joomla multi-language configuration and enter appropiate parameters in Moodle side if necessary

Check any mod_security rules that may deny XMLRPC traffic

Disable any Joomla security extensions you may have installed

You may also want to visit: http::/ =xmlrpc

If everything is working fine, you should see something like:

XML-RPC Error (1): Access Denied

Alternatively, you could see this message, if you are trying from the server IP:

faultString parse error. not well formed. error occurred at line 1, column 1, byte index 0 faultCode -32700

If you get a different message or a blank page, there is some problem with your server configuration.

Received empty response from Moodle

Usually this caused by a misconfigured Moodle URL in Joomdle component. Double check that it is correct and that it includes http:// in front. If you are sure everything is correct, consider that it may be a connection issue (firewall, etc).

Source IP not allowed

This means your server is using a non-public IP address for Joomla-Moodle connections. You will need to enter the displayed IP address in the "Server address" config option, which can be found:

In Joomla 1.5, in Joomdle XMLRPC plugin configuration

In Joomla 1.6, in Joomdle general config

E_DEPRECATED errors are enabled in your PHP configuration

You have E_DEPRECATED errors enabled in your PHP configuration. You need to disable them for Joomla web services to work.

Look into your php.ini file and look for the 'error_reporting' directive. If you are on a hosted server you may need to contact your hosting company to modify your PHP configuration.

For example, my local configuration is: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED

اینم لینک مشکل

System health check - Joomdle

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