
پیغام خطا مربوط به کامپوننت ninja rss syndicator

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مدتی هست توی فایل error_log، پیغام های خطایی به صورت زیر نمایش داده میشه:

[color=#000000] PHP Deprecated:  Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/mine/public_html/components/com_ninjarsssyndicator/views/ninjarsssyndicator/tmpl/default.php on line 265[/color]

خط 265 فایل default.php به این صورت هست:

if (eregi("[0-9A-Za-zأ€-أ–أک-أ¶أ¸-أ؟]", $array[$k]))

اینم کل کدهای فایل default.php:

* @version		2.0
* @package		com_ninjarsssydicator
* @author 		NinjaForge
* @author email
* @link
* @license GNU GPL
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2012 NinjaForge - All rights reserved.

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); 
defined('DS') ? null : define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

//check if com_finder is installed (J2.5 and above)
$finder_exists = 0;
$myfile = JPATH_BASE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_finder'.DS.'controller.php';
if (file_exists($myfile))
$finder_exists = 1;
// Register dependent classes.
if ($finder_exists)
JLoader::register('FinderIndexerHelper', dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php');
JLoader::register('FinderIndexerTaxonomy', dirname(__FILE__) . '/taxonomy.php');
JLoader::register('FinderHelperRoute', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_finder/helpers/route.php');
JLoader::register('FinderHelperLanguage', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_finder/helpers/language.php');

// Register dependent classes.
JLoader::register('ContentHelperRoute', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_content/helpers/route.php');

//global $mainframe;
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();

$feedid = $this->id;
$docache = intval($this->cache)>0?1:0;
//add_stats($lists); /*<< MAD 2007/09/28 */ //Oct 24 2008

//if type is Summaries then get numwords from db
$numWords = $this->numWords > 0	? $this->numWords: 10000; // numWord == 0 represents ALL

/*if type is RSS then use admin defined default
if (($this->type=="RSS") || ($this->type=="RSSSUMM"))
//$this->type = "RSS".$row->defaultType;
$this->type = "RSS2.0";// TO-DO

//make a feed id based filename
$filename = JPATH_COMPONENT.DS."feed".DS."feed".$feedid.".xml";
$rss = new UniversalFeedCreator();

//Use cache if docache is set to 1
if (intval($docache)==1) {
$rss->useCached($this->type,$filename,$this->cache); // use cached version if age<1 hour. May not return!
//$rss->title 			= htmlspecialchars($this->title, ENT_QUOTES);
$rss->title 			= $this->title;
$rss->description		= $this->description;
$rss->link 				= JURI::root();

$u = JFactory::getURI();
$rss->syndicationURL 	= $u->toString();
$rss->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = true;

$image 					= new FeedImage();
$image->title 			= $mainframe->getCfg('sitename');
$image->url 			= $this->imgUrl;
$image->link 			= JURI::root();
$image->description		= $mainframe->getCfg('sitename');
$image->descriptionHtmlSyndicated	= true;

if ( $this->imgUrl!="") { $rss->image = $image; }
//Xipat - VH (Feb 09 2009): Remove unuse code
if (intval($this->catsInTitle)) {
$rss->title .= " (".htmlspecialchars($this->cat).")";
$rows = $this->content;

//used to trigger content plugins below
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'content' );
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();	 

// Include menu itemid's in URLs by forming $itemids lookup array
//$itemids = makeMenuItemArray('content_blog_section');
$itemids = $this->menuitemarray;	
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$item 		 = new FeedItem();
$item->title = htmlspecialchars($row->title);
$itemid		 = $itemids[$row->sectionid];		

// be sure itemid has some content!
/*>>> AGE 20071012 */
if (($itemid == "")&&($finder_exists))
	//$itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $row->id, 0, 0 );					
	// Get the menu item id.
	//$query = array('id' => $row->id);
	$itemid = FinderHelperRoute::getItemid($row->id);
/*<<< AGE 20071012 */
if ($itemid == "") {$itemid = 99999999;}

$item->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->slug, $row->catslug),false,2);
$item->guid = $item->link;

//Jroute produces htmlspecialchar modified urls. 
//We need to decode them because the feedclass also specialchars them, giving us things like &
//TODO - test special characters
//$itemurl = htmlspecialchars_decode ($itemurl);

/* >> DAN 2009/12/14 */
/* fulltext options:
 * 0 -> Do nothing
 * 1 -> Read more link
 * 2 -> Add to intro text
 * 3 -> Use only full text
$AddReadMoreLink = false;	 

/*		 Testing Case statement below. If it works, remove this code- D
$words = $row->itext;
if ($this->fulltext == 2) {
	$words .= $row->mtext;
} */

switch ($this->fulltext) {
	case 0:
		$words = ($row->introtext) ? $row->introtext : ((str_word_count(trim($row->fulltext)) > $numWords) ? word_limiter($row->fulltext, $numWords) : $row->fulltext);
	case 1:
		$words = ($row->introtext) ? $row->introtext : ((str_word_count(trim($row->fulltext)) > $numWords) ? word_limiter($row->fulltext, $numWords) : $row->fulltext);
	case 2:
		$words = $row->introtext.$row->fulltext;
	case 3:
		$words = ($row->fulltext) ? $row->fulltext : $row->introtext;

// Check if $words is larger then the $numWords
// Add some extra words because characters are count as words (20% extra)

if (str_word_count(trim($words)) > $numWords) 
	$AddReadMoreLink = true;	 				
	$words = word_limiter($words, $numWords);			 

if($this->fulltext == 0)
	$AddReadMoreLink = false;

if ($this->fulltext == 1 or $AddReadMoreLink) {
	if (strlen(trim($row->mtext)) > 0 or $AddReadMoreLink)
		$words .= "\n<p><a href=\"" . $item->link . "\">" . JText::_('COM_NINJARSSSYNDICATOR_READ_MORE') . "</a></p>";

if (!intval($this->renderHTML)) {
	//Remove HTML tags if told not to render them
	$words = noHTML ($words); 

} else {		 						
	//Remove images if told not to render them	
	//Images will also get remove with HTML tags above			
	if (!intval($this->renderImages)) {
		$words = delImagesFromHTML($words);

/* Convert relative urls to absolute */
$words = addAbsoluteURL($words);

$item->description 	= $words;
$item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated	= true;		

//Many, many failed attempts to get the date right.
//Kept here for a while in case issues arise again - Dec 2009
//After some issues with the date not coming out correctly I am trying the exact code from Com_content
//$itemDate = JFactory::getDate(JHTML::_('date', $row->dsdate, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2')));		
//$itemDate = JFactory::getDate(JHTML::_('date', $row->dsdate), 0);
//$itemDate = JFactory::getDate($row->dsdate, 0);		
//$item->date 				= $itemDate->toRFC822() ;
//$item->date = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",strtotime($row->dsdate))." -0700";
//$item->date = date($row->dsdate, 'D, d M Y g:i:s')." GMT\n";

$item->date = date("r",strtotime($row->dsdate));		
$item->updated = date("r",strtotime($row->updated));		
$item->source 				= JURI::root();		

if ($this->renderAuthorFormat){
	$author = trim($row->authorAlias);

	if (empty($author)) $author = $row->author;

	$item->author 	= $author;
	$item->authorEmail	= $row->authorEmail;
//If needed, trigger content plugins on the row content.										 		
//TODO - expand this to allow for individual paramters for the plugin instances
$dispatcher->trigger( 'onPrepareNinjaRSSFeedRow', array( &$item ) );				


//If needed, trigger content plugins on the feed as a whole.
//TODO - expand this to allow for individual paramters for the plugin instances
$dispatcher->trigger( 'onPrepareNinjaRSSFeed', array( &$rss ) ); 			
//If we are using the cache and the time out is greater than 0, then generate and use a file.
//Otherwise generate the feed on the fly
if (intval($docache)==1 && $this->cache > 0) 
} else {

function noHTML($words) {
$words = preg_replace("'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si","",$words);
$words = preg_replace('/<a\s+.*?href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is','\2 (\1)', $words);
$words = preg_replace('/<!--.+?-->/','',$words);
//$words = preg_replace('/{.+?}/','',$words);
$words = strip_tags($words);
$words = preg_replace('/ /',' ',$words);
//$words = preg_replace('/&/','&',$words);
//$words = preg_replace('/"/','"',$words);

return $words;

function addAbsoluteURL($html) {
$root_url = JURI::root();
$html = preg_replace('@href="(?!http://)(?!https://)(?!mailto:)([^"]+)"@i', "href=\"{$root_url}\${1}\"", $html);
$html = preg_replace('@src="(?!http://)(?!https://)([^"]+)"@i', "src=\"{$root_url}\${1}\"", $html);

return $html;

** Delete all the images from the url
function delImagesFromHTML($html, $instances = -1) {
$html = preg_replace('/<img\\s.*>/i','', $html, $instances);

return $html;

/* >> MAD 2007/10/09
* Added function word_limiter
function word_limiter($string, $limit = 100) {
$words = array();
$string = eregi_replace(" +", " ", $string);
$array = explode(" ", $string);
//$limit = (count($array) <= $numwords) ? count($array) : $numwords;
for($k=0;$k < $limit;$k++)
	if(($limit>0 && $limit == $k)||!isset($array[$k]))
	if (eregi("[0-9A-Za-zأ€-أ–أک-أ¶أ¸-أ؟]", $array[$k]))
		$words[$k] = $array[$k];
$txt = implode(" ", $words);
return $txt;

function first_img_src($html) {
if (stripos($html, '<img') !== false) {
		$imgsrc_regex = '#<\s*img [^\>]*src\s*=\s*(["\'])(.*?)\1#im';
		preg_match($imgsrc_regex, $html, $matches);
		if (is_array($matches) && !empty($matches)) {
				return $matches[2];
		} else {
				return false;
} else {
		return false;

لطفا جهت حل مشکل راهنمایی بفرمایید.

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کدگذاری فایلهای php با ioncube آموزش ووکامرس قالب جوملا قالب وردپرس قالب رایگان وردپرس قالب رایگان جوملا هاست نامحدود هاست جوملا هاست لاراول هاست وردپرس هاست ارزان هاست ربات تلگرام خرید دامنه آموزش ساخت ربات تلگرام با php آموزش لاراول آموزش cPanel آموزش php آموزش فرم ساز RSform آموزش ساخت ربات جذب ممبر آموزش ساخت ربات دوستیابی آموزش ساخت ربات فروشگاهی برای ووکامرس آموزش طراحی سایت داینامیک با php آموزش بخش پشتیبانی با rsticket

فک کنم بخاطر این کاراکترای أ€-أ–أک-أ¶أ¸-أ هست.

کسی نظری نداره؟:auau:

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