
ترجمه بخشي از افزونه

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در ترجمه افزونه تجاري surveys كه براي فرم نظرسنجي هست به مشكل خوردم ، ترجمه اين چهار خط رو ميشه راهنماي كنيد ،

COM_SURVEYS_ONE_RESPONSE_P_RESPONDENT_TEXT=One Response per Respondent" - "After completing the survey, respondents will be prevented from entering additional responses. Respondents that return to a survey later will be able to edit their existing answers. Respondents that return to an incomplete survey will be taken to the point that they left off.
COM_SURVEYS_ONE_RESPONSE_P_RESPONDENT_FO_TEXT=One Response per Respondent" ("Forward Only") - "After completing the survey, respondents will be prevented from entering additional responses. In addition, respondents are prevented from backing up to edit their existing answers. Respondents that return to an incomplete survey will be taken to the point that they left off.
COM_SURVEYS_MULTIPLE_RESPONSES_P_RESPONDENT_TEXT=Multiple Responses per Respondent" - "After completing the survey, respondents will be allowed to enter an additional response. Respondents that return to an incomplete survey will be taken to the point that they left off.
COM_SURVEYS_MULTIPLE_RESPONSES_P_RESPONDENT_SC_TEXT=Multiple Responses per Respondent" (Shared Computer) - "After completing or exiting the survey, respondents will be allowed to enter additional responses. Once respondents leave the survey, their answers are considered finished and cannot be edited. Useful for computer labs and tradeshow kiosks.

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