
مشكل نصب Zend optimizer روي WAMP سرور براي جوملا 2.5

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من از يكي از سايت هاي جوملايي يه پك خريداري كردم براي درج آگهي كه بر مبناي جوملا 2.5 بودش ولي متاسفانه خدمات درست و درموني بهم ندادن و اينكه اين پك كاملا باZend optimizer كد گذاري شده و من نمي تونم ويرايش هاي دلخواه خودم رو توي wamp انجام بدم

تو رو خدا يكي راهنماييمون كنه و بگه بايد چي كار كنم

هر كاري كردم و از اين آموزشهاي تو اينترنت سرچ كردم جوابي نگرفتم و اينكه اين قضيه براي 3 ماه پيش بوده و كم كم دارم بي خيالش ميشمو قيد 250 هزار تومنمو براي اينكار ميزنم :nasihat::nasihat:

بدبختي اينجاست تمام آموزش هايي كه تو سايتا پيدا ميكنم براي اقاي الله پرست هستش كه خيلي قديميه و اصلا جواب نميده

لطفا يكي به طور كامل راهنمايي كنه كه من بايد چي رو از كجا دانلود كنم و تو wamp چه تغييراتي بايد انجام بدم

يه دنيا ممنون ميشم اگر كسي اين راهنمايي رو به من بده

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کدگذاری فایلهای php با ioncube آموزش ووکامرس قالب جوملا قالب وردپرس قالب رایگان وردپرس قالب رایگان جوملا هاست نامحدود هاست جوملا هاست لاراول هاست وردپرس هاست ارزان هاست ربات تلگرام خرید دامنه آموزش ساخت ربات تلگرام با php آموزش لاراول آموزش cPanel آموزش php آموزش فرم ساز RSform آموزش ساخت ربات جذب ممبر آموزش ساخت ربات دوستیابی آموزش ساخت ربات فروشگاهی برای ووکامرس آموزش طراحی سایت داینامیک با php آموزش بخش پشتیبانی با rsticket

آموزش زیر رو از یک سایت خارجی پیدا کردم شاید بدردتون بخوره:

[h=3]Download[/h] choose-zend-zoomed.jpgChoosing the correct version of Zend Optimizer

There are a number of different versions of Zend Optimizer available to download from the official Zend website, each built for different operating systems, and we need v3.3 and the Windows x86 package available on the downloads page.

We will be asked to either login or register in order to begin our download. Registraion is free, and should be easy enough to complete by yourself so forgive us for not giving screenshots of these required steps. After you have registered and logged in you will find the download link on the downloads page.

start-zend-download.jpgDownload Zend Optimizer

Click the download link and save the file to your Desktop.

begin-download.jpgBegin Zend Optimizer Download

Once your download has finished you may close your web browser before double clicking on the downloaded file to begin the Installation.


If you’re presented with a Security Warning simply click Run to continue with the installation.

starting-zend-install.jpgZend Installation Wizard Will Begin

Zend Optimizer will prepare the InstallShield Wizard to guide us through the rest of the Installation process.


Click Next to begin the Installation Wizard.


Select the radio button labelled “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and press Next to continue.

install-zend-3.jpgSelect Location To Install Zend

The Installation Wizard will ask where you want to install Zend Optimizer. It is recommended that you install in the default location shown, which should be in a directory named Zend under Program Files. Click Next to continue.

install-zend-4.jpgSelect Apache 2.x As Our Web Server

As our WAMP installation came bundled with Apache 2.2.11 we need to select our Web Server as “Apache 2.x” before clicking Next to continue with the installation.

install-zend-5.jpgLocate the php.ini file

The Installation Wizard will ask you to locate your php.ini file. Select Browse, and assuming you followed our recommendation to install WAMP in its default location of C:\wamp, you will correctly locate the php.ini file by selecting the directory as: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2. Click Next to continue.

install-zend-6.jpgChoosing Web Servers Root Folder

Select Browse to locate the root folder of your web server. If you installed WAMP in the location we suggested then your root folder will be: C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11. Press Next to continue.

install-zend-7.jpgConfirming The Installation Information

Confirm the information is correct, and if you’re satisfied that it is you can press Install.

install-zend-8.jpgShut Down WAMP Before Install

If your WAMP Server is currently running you will need to first shut it down. Simply right click on the icon as shown above and select Exit. You may then select Yes in the Zend Installation Wizard.


If you receive the above warning you can simply ignore it and press OK.


The installation will continue in the background. After completing you may then receive the above warning, you may press OK to continue regardless of whether you receive the warning.

install-wizard-11.jpgZend Optimizer Installed

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