سلام از دوستان کسی می تونه درباره تغییر جزوی قالب راهنمایی کنه قسمت بالای هدر رو در قالب می خواهم حذف کنم با فایرباگ کدش پیدا می کنم اما معلوم نیست در کدو فایل هست
به صورت ضمنی کد رو پیدا کردم اما با حذفش قالب به هم میریزه لطفا راهنمایی کنید
کد صفحه index.php
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2009 - 2013 The YouTech JSC. All Rights Reserved.
* @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Author: The YouTech JSC
* Websites: http://www.smartaddons.com - Best free place for submitting Template, Extension | CmsPortal
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
// Check yt plugin
throw new Exception(JText::_('INSTALL_YT_PLUGIN'));
define('J_TEMPLATEDIR', JPATH_SITE.J_SEPARATOR.'templates'.J_SEPARATOR.$this->template);
// Include file: frame_inc.php
include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'frame_inc.php');
// Check direction for html
$dir = ($yt->getParam('direction') == 'rtl') ? ' dir="rtl"' : '';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html<?php echo $dir; ?> lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>">
<jdoc:include type="head" />
$browser = new Browser(); ?>
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true"/>
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, target-densitydpi=160dpi, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<?php if ($browser->getBrowser()== Browser::BROWSER_IPHONE ){?>
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-touch-fullscreen" content="yes" />
<?php }
// Include css, js
include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'head.php');
$cls_body = '';
//render a class for home page
$cls_body .= $yt->isHomePage() ? 'homepage ' : '';
//add a class for each component
$cls_body .= (JRequest::getVar('option')!= null) ? JRequest::getVar('option') .' ' : '';
//add a view class which helps you easy to style
$cls_body .= (JRequest::getVar('view')!= null) ? 'view-' . JRequest::getVar('view') . ' ' : '';
//for stype. With each style, we will use one class
$cls_body .= $yt->getParam('templateColor').' ';
//for RTL direction
$cls_body .= ($yt->getParam('direction') == 'rtl') ? 'rtl' . ' ' : '';
//add a class according to the template name
$cls_body .= $yt->template. ' ';
$cls_body .= 'layout_'.$layout. ' ';
// class slideshow
$cls_body .= ($doc->countModules('slideshow'))?'':'no-slider ';
$cls_body .= ' yt-jv'.J_VERSION;
<body id="bd" class="<?php echo $cls_body; ?>" onLoad="prettyPrint()">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="debug" />
<section id="yt_wrapper">
<a id="top" name="scroll-to-top"></a>
/*render blocks. for positions of blocks, please refer layouts folder. */
foreach($yt_render->arr_TB as $tagBD) {
//BEGIN Check if position not empty
if( $tagBD["countModules"] > 0 ) {
// BEGIN: Content Area
if( ($tagBD["name"] == 'content') ) {
//class for content area
$cls_content = $tagBD['class_content'];
$cls_content .= ' block';
echo "<{$tagBD['html5tag']} id=\"{$tagBD['id']}\" class=\"{$cls_content}\">";
<div class="yt-main">
<div class="yt-main-in1 container">
<div class="yt-main-in2 row-fluid">
$countL = $countR = $countM = 0;
// BEGIN: foreach position of block content
// IMPORTANT: Please do not edit this block
foreach($tagBD['positions'] as $position):
// END: foreach position of block content
echo "</{$tagBD['html5tag']}>";
// END: Content Area
// BEGIN: For other blocks
} elseif ($tagBD["name"] != 'content'){
echo "<{$tagBD['html5tag']} id=\"{$tagBD['id']}\" class=\"block\">";
<div class="yt-main">
<div class="yt-main-in1 container">
<div class="yt-main-in2 row-fluid">
if( !empty($tagBD["hasGroup"]) && $tagBD["hasGroup"] == "1"){
// BEGIN: For Group attribute
$flag = '';
$openG = 0;
$c = 0;
foreach( $tagBD['positions'] as $posFG ):
$c = $c + 1;
if( $posFG['group'] != "" && $posFG['group'] != $flag){
$flag = $posFG['group'];
if ($openG == 0) {
$openG = 1;
$groupnormal = 'group-' . $flag.$tagBD['class_groupnormal'];
echo '<div class="' . $groupnormal . ' ' . $yt_render->arr_GI[$posFG['group']]['class'] . '">' ;
echo $yt->renPositionsGroup($posFG);
if($c == count( $tagBD['positions']) ) {
echo '</div>';
} else {
$openG = 0;
$groupnormal = 'group-' . $flag;
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="' . $groupnormal . ' '. $yt_render->arr_GI[$posFG['group']]['class'] . '">' ;
echo $yt->renPositionsGroup($posFG);
} elseif ($posFG['group'] != "" && $posFG['group'] == $flag){
echo $yt->renPositionsGroup($posFG);
if($c == count( $tagBD['positions']) ) {
echo '</div>';
if($openG ==1){
$openG = 0;
echo '</div>';
echo $yt->renPositionsGroup($posFG);
// END: For Group attribute
// BEGIN: for Tags without group attribute
echo $yt->renPositionsNormal($tagBD['positions'], $tagBD["countModules"]);
// END: for Tags without group attribute
echo "</{$tagBD['html5tag']}>";
// END: For other blocks
// END Check if position not empty
//END: For
include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'special-position.php');
include_once (J_TEMPLATEDIR.J_SEPARATOR.'includes'.J_SEPARATOR.'bottom.php');