
دانلود رایگان آموزش کامل Css3

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این مجموعه آموزشی متعلق به شرکت Treehouse میباشد و در آن به مبانی کامل CSS3 به صورت مجزا با پروژه های مختلف به شما آموزش داده می شود.

بخشهای این مجموعه آموزشی عبارتند از :


Selectors have been available since the advent of CSS, but there are several new CSS3 selectors. These selectors allow web professionals to apply properties to page elements that were previously more difficult to access.


CSS3 includes numerous new typographic features, such as text-shadows. This is an exciting and rapidly evolving area of CSS3, wherein layout engines like webkit are pushing beyond W3C standards.

Web Fonts

The @font-face rule allows for the inclusion of customized fonts, beyond what is available by default. This isn't actually a new feature of CSS3, but it has become popular over the last few years, so it has a coloquial association with other CSS3 properties.


CSS3 expands upon borders by adding features like rounded corners, shadows, and more. Using these features reduces the need for image-based solutions, which allows web pages to generally load faster.


In design, a gradient is the visual effect of one color gradually fading into another across a surface. Applying CSS3 gradients to elements reduces the need for image-based solutions and can improve front-end performance.


Multiple backgrounds and background sizing are just two background features that are new in CSS3. Multiple backgrounds allows designers to build several layers of imagery into page elements and this feature in particular provides designers with tighter control than ever before.


The :hover pseudo-class has been used to create basic transitions for many years now, but the transition property allows things to animate more smoothly. When a transition is applied to an element, most changes to that element will be animated between two keyframe states.


Transforms set page elements in either a 2D or 3D coordinate space. This makes it possible to manipulate the rotation and position of an element along the X, Y, and Z axis.


Animations are a set of keyframes that are applied to an element via the animation property. Each keyframe includes CSS styling that is to be applied at that point in the animation. Then, the animation property smoothly animates between each keyframe.

Multi-Column Layouts

The multi-column layout module in the CSS3 specification is capable of breaking up paragraph text into columns. These columns are created dynamically, which is much more flexible and accessible than continuous text that is broken across three separate HTML elements.

Media Queries

Media Queries are a unique addition to CSS3 that allows designers to apply CSS declarations dynamically based on client conditions. For example, if the width of the browser window drops below a predetermined value, alternative CSS can be applied dynamically.


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{ Part5 } { Part6} { Part7 } { Part8


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